Hello film fans! Great things are happening in the world of Film Grad Reviews! As you can see above, the logo design for FGR is well underway. What you see is a working idea so the finished product will be even better. Once the logo and outline for the site is agreed upon, then the building of the site can commence. I am hoping that by late May everything will be ready to roll.
I have also launched my YouTube channel! You can find it here. I had a run in with copyright infringement ALREADY with my review for Hannibal. I had included the first four minutes of the pilot in the review so I could provide a visual reference to what I was discussing. Gaumont International Television and NBC flagged the video and YouTube blocked it from being seen. I appealed to YouTube saying that the clip was being used for critique and review purposes. They unblocked the video and I thought all was rosy. Well, this morning I learned that Gaumont denied my appeal (I guess NBC was cool with it) and YouTube banned the video AGAIN. The next step was a counter-argument and they suggest lawyering up for that so I decided to delete the clip and repost the video. Boo. Not sure what this holds for the future of my channel since I already have a copyright strike. Once you get three, your account becomes suspended. I may play it cool or I will just become versed in the "Free Use" clause of copyright law.
Anyway, that's what's up so far! I have an IndieGoGo campaign set up if you wish to help me in my endeavors. If you cannot help financially then please just help spread the word. Thanks to all my loyal readers!
Stay tuned this weekend, I feel a Hate Watch coming on!
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