Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Is 40

This Is 40 (2012)
Directed by: Judd Apatow
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 50%

This Is 40 is the second "serious comedy" done by Judd Apatow (the first being Funny People). I saw this movie when it hit theaters and I don't think I have laughed harder in quite a long time. Before I go further there is something you, as my audience, must know. I have an unabashed bro crush on both Judd Apatow and Paul Rudd. I would see anything either one puts out (and, for the most part, have). That being said, let's get to it.

This Is 40 is a coming of age story for those in their 40s. Both characters, Pete (Rudd) and Debbie (Apatow's wife, Leslie Mann) are married with two children and each of them is about to hit midlife. With the big 4-0 they feel that they must change things about their lives in order to better themselves. Debbie is to quit her secretive smoking and Pete is to eat healthier. With these self imposed changes comes feelings of anger and frustration with each other because they feel that they have peaked in life. Their two children, Sadie and Charlotte (played by Apatow and Mann's children Maude and Iris, respectively) get caught in the crossfire and in turn begin to act out. During the film, we learn that the record business that Pete has poured himself into is failing and Debbie's boutique is losing money due to employee theft. Turning 40 has caused Pete and Debbie to step back from their lives and reevaluate their changes. It has made them grow up.

I personally enjoyed this movie more than some of Apatow's other "funnier" films. There were moments where I couldn't breathe because I was laughing so hard (due to Paul Rudd's ability to make anything hilarious). Case in point, please feel free to enjoy this clip from Wanderlust. NSFW

In addition to outrageous comedy there are scenes of poignant emotion. You feel that Apatow and Mann have actually had the conversations that Pete and Debbie are having. You wonder if This Is 40 is an autobiographical story that Apatow is telling through his work. All of the actors do a fantastic job (including a semi cameo by Knocked Up co-star Jason Segel). Maude and Iris Apatow are turning out to be great talents and will do so as long as Apatow and Mann continue to nourish their careers. I think that if you enjoy Apatow's brand of humor then you cannot miss this one.


This Is 40 is crude, raunchy, and every other synonym in the Thesaurus. If you are offended by sexual jargon, nudity and foul language then you should avoid this one. If you want to ease into Apatow's work then start with something more innocuous like The Cable Guy (written by Apatow) and then move into his more recent work such as The 40 Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up. If you can accept that there are people that talk like his characters do then you can move past the things that make you feel uncomfortable and you can enjoy the films for what they are.

My Score: 7/10

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